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addCallback(callbackKey, callbackFn)

Adds a callback function to Command AI. See this doc that talks about how callback actions work.


// Assumes an argument called "name". Args are user selected options in Spotlight
(args, context, meta) => alert(`Hi there, ${}!`)

Attach a custom field in CB to your callback

Useful as a no-code way for teams to attach options via the CB editor to be used in the callback

window.CommandBar.addCallback("sayHi", (args, context, meta) =>
alert(`Welcome to ${meta?.source.metadata}`)

Method parameters

callbackKey Required


Key to reference the provided function

callbackFn Required


Callback function, with the following signature:

argsobjectA dictionary of argument keys and the values entered by the user
contextobjectA dictionary reflecting the state of context when the callback was triggered by an action being executed
metaobjectA dictionary containing any custom meta fields supplied via the CB Action