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Other Copilot settings

Here are some other knobs and dials you can turn in Copilot that we couldn't find a better place to put. Consider this the Copilot settings sock drawer.



Copilot can suggest queries in two scenarios:

  • When the user first opens a chat
  • After Copilot responds

Copilot makes these suggestions based on what it knows about the user, including the page they're currently on and previous chats.

You can toggle each type of suggestion on or off independently.


You can read about this here.


Welcome message

This is the default message that Copilot provides as soon as the user opens up the chat window.

Suggested queries

Here you can define a static set of queries for Copilot to reccomend.

General fallback

See here.

Negative feeback fallback

See here.

Text customizations

Support for various strings that appear in Copilot:

  • Title: the string at the top of the window
  • Chat title: the string at the top of the chat box
  • Chat input text placeholder: the text in the user's input before they type any text


Allows you to set a theme for Copilot independently of your organization's default theme.

How do I edit the color of the "Ask AI" button?

You can edit the color of the Ask AI (or other primary CTA) button via Themes.

  1. Go to Themes.
  2. Select your desired theme.
  3. Go to Components -> Primary Button, and edit as desired.