📄️ Init
Initializes Command AI and injects the scripts required to load it into the head of the document. After calling this function it will be possible to access window.Command AI and call the SDK methods, even if the scripts have not finished loading yet. However, Command AI will not be available to the end-user, until boot is called.
📄️ Boot
Make Command AI available to the user. Before boot is called, Command AI will not be available, even if the snippet has been run on the page they are on.
📄️ Shutdown
Make Command AI unavailable to the user. Does nothing unless boot has been called. shutdown is typically used to make Command AI unavailable after a user logout and Command AI is no longer needed.
📄️ Set user properties
Updates user properties for the current booted user.
📄️ Set router
Sets a router function that pages can use to update the page's URL without triggering a reload. To learn more about using addRouter, see our section about adding a router for SPAs.
📄️ Get active experiences
Returns a list of visible experiences and related information.